The clock is ticking

In today’s fast-paced business environment, you don’t have years to solve problems.

If you had a problem in your business and you were told it would take years to solve, how would you react?

Chances are you might start looking for other options.

Yet, when people are seeking to advance their career, they often simply accept that it will take longer than they might wish to get ahead. They enrol in a traditional degree or certificate program to fill a gap in their résumé.

While sometimes that is the best approach, it’s not the only one. And it’s certainly not the fastest or most affordable, as a recent Financial Post article highlighted.

At the same time, companies often can’t afford to wait for workers and will look to skilled immigrants to fill vacant job roles. However, that isn’t always the right answer and, besides, Covid-19 has slowed immigration into Canada.

So, increasingly, companies are looking at rapid training programs to quickly fill gaps.

That is where we enter the picture. Algonquin College Corporate Training works with organizations to deliver both off-the-shelf and custom training to help upskill and reskill their workforce with courses focused on technology, leadership and business skills, and other in-demand proficiencies.

Additionally, through a partnership we formed with four other Eastern Ontario colleges, we work with the province and federal government, as well as job seekers and employers, to respond to specific industry needs.

For an overview of some of our work, watch these short videos featuring just a few Eastern Ontario College Consortium (EOCC) clients.

You can learn more about the EOCC at