About This Course

About This Course

Effective communication leads to improved relationships, higher levels of trust, morale and productivity.

Despite the fact that we have more communication tools at our disposal, communication challenges are on the rise. Poor communication leads to misunder-standings and can have a negative impact on morale and motivation. When people become too busy to communicate effectively, overall production and performance goes down. Learn to identify others” communication styles in order to better adapt and communicate with even the most difficult people.

Discover your unique communication style using the DYNAMIX® profile. Red, Yellow, Green and Blue communication preferences are measured using the easy-to-use DYNAMIX® Model. Each participant receives a personalized DYNAMIX® Profile report with this course.

Learn more about different communication styles and how to better adapt to others.

  • The DYNAMIX® profile can be used as a coaching tool and as part of a personal development plan to improve performance.
  • Discover how to give and receive more effective feedback to improve engagement and motivation.
  • Influencing others begins with effective communication skills and your ability to identify others” preferences and adapt effectively.


Who Should Attend

What You’ll Learn

Course Materials and Fees

Additional Notes


For more information about individual or group registration or to be notified of upcoming dates, please contact us.

Call: 1-833-282-6852

Email: training@algonquincollege.com

$ 495
1 Day
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If you are registering 8 or more participants in one class, please contact us for group registration.

Courses are posted up to 12 months in advance.

Government of Canada Employees

Take advantage of our Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements with the Government of Canada to receive a discount when you register for training.