About This Course
Who Should Attend
What You’ll Learn

About This Course

This 3 half-day course will help you to learn efficient methods of working in each of Microsoft’s core applications by learning time-saving tips and tricks. The tips and techniques and tools demonstrated will prove invaluable in your daily work!


Participants should have a basic knowledge of how to use Microsoft, Excel and Outlook. They also must have access to these applications during the course.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who uses Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook regularly in their workday.

What You’ll Learn

Microsoft Word Tips & Tricks

Toolbar Customization, Application defaults, Navigation, Shortcut keys, Formatting, Editing, Bullets & Numbering, Themes, Global Defaults, Quick Parts, Table of Contents, Sections and Tables.

Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks

Editing, Formatting, AutoFill, Basic/Intermediate Calculations, Sparklines, Range Names, and if time permits, Sorting and Pivot Tables.

Time Management in Microsoft Outlook

Managing your Outlook Inbox including: File Structure, Processing your Email, Daily/Weekly Review, Categories, Follow-Up Flags, Search Folders, Quick Steps, Custom Rules, Conversation View, Ignore/Clean Up Conversations, Conditional Formatting and Outlook Today.

Course Materials and Fees

Additional Notes


For more information about individual or group registration

Call 1-833-282-6852

Email training@algonquincollege.com.

$ 1095
2 Days
Select a Session

If you are registering 8 or more participants in one class, please contact us for group registration.

Courses are posted up to 12 months in advance.

Government of Canada Employees

Take advantage of our Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements with the Government of Canada to receive a discount when you register for training.